Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Quick Paper, Bloodmoon by Hal Lindsey essays

Quick Paper, Bloodmoon by Hal Lindsey essays From the same author that brought you Late Great Planet Earth, Hal Lindsey brings you his newest and most blood pumping book, Blood Moon. The story, Set in both 2014, and important dates in the history of the Bible, set as far back as 6000 years ago, tells the tale of the last days. The story starts out in the tents of the wise Abraham, where Isaac and Ishmael, the fathers of both Islamic and Israeli people lived. Blood Moon speaks of the history behind the never-ending feud between the Jewish and Islamic descendents of Abraham, as if the reader was there in the midst of them. Blood Moon will also show the contrast in what society today believes will happen in the future, and what the bible historically will show to be accurate. Blood Mood allows the reader to journey back to the days of the prophets, and allows them to see what was said, and how it was said. Then they see just how it comes to pass in the present day situation. Not only will Blood Moon open peoples eyes to the history of the conflict, but it will open a new viewpoint for those who never personally researched the topic. What is the reason for Jihads (Holy Wars) in the Middle East? What could have started such a bloody war that has rocked the desert for more than 4,000 years? Why is there such contempt over Jerusalem? What will the world be like under a one world government? All these questions and more will be answered. EU President and U.N. Secretary-General Gianfranco Carlo, A glorious diplomat and public speaker, is the first person in the history of the world to bring peace to the Middle East. He tells two of the worlds most trusted and regarded men that he would be given a mortal wound to the head by Islamic radicals, and that he would die from these wounds. He instructs them to stay at his bedside for he would be raised back to life. Through manipulation and sheer demonic force he climbs to the top of the economic ladde...

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